61 Our 50th Reunion was a tremendous success, attended by nearly 500 classmates and guests. Even the unpredictable Ithaca weather cooperated to give us a "no rainout weekend." Despite the sense of celebration, there was also a sense of transition. After all, we have now journeyed half a century into the future since graduation. Countless other Cornellians and future classes will engage the challenges we have confronted as we, slowly, move across the stage. Certainly the highlights were many, led by the record class reunion gift of $24,214,798 to Cornell! In total, 481 people affiliated with the Class of '61 attended the four-day event—including 290 classmates—in Ithaca on June 9-12, 2011. Thanks to our reunion co-chairs Pauline Sutta Degenfelder, Carol Gittlin Franklin, Doug Uhler, and Neil Goldberger for organizing a terrific four days of events. Thanks also to Ed Goldman, Jon Greenleaf, and Lassie Tischler Eicher for producing a fabulous reunion yearbook.
Marshall Frank, who invested ten outstanding years as class president, presided over our Sunday morning breakfast wrap-up. As he acknowledged the contributions of those involved as class officers and reunion chairs, he also announced the slate of new officers for the next five years. President: Peter Greenberg; senior VP: Sue Rand Lewis; treasurer: Walt Cottrell, MBA '63; 55th Reunion co-chairs: Doug Uhler, Pauline Degenfelder; class correspondents: Doug Fuss and Susan Williams Stevens; and webmaster: Larry Wheeler.
Thursday evening got Reunion off to a fast launch. The dinner was excellent, the Sherwoods were in fine voice, and the wine and conversation flowed freely. Following dinner, Ken Blanchard, PhD '67, hosted a champagne reception honoring our Cornell couples. Marshall and Rosanna Romanelli Frank produced an impressive listing of the Cornell affinities and linkages of classmates and those from other classes linked through marriage. Looks like a close group!
Friday morning, at the continental breakfast, I sat next to James Baden, MD '65. He had retired, in recent memory, from his practice in surgery. Coincidentally, Jim selected Hilton Head Island as his "community of choice"; it is a short, one-hour drive from Savannah, where we have lived for the past 14 years. What I did not realize at the time was that Jim was celebrating his first reunion on the Hill along with 28 other first-timers. While we were chatting, Robert Segaul, MD '65, stopped by and announced that we had resided on the same floor freshman year, along with his roommate Hillel Swiller, MD '65. (Certainly correct as I confirmed with my Frosh Register as I'm writing this column.) In addition to Jim, we welcomed first-timers: Arnold Allan, Muriel Bertenthal Kuhs, Lt. Gen. James Brabham, Nancy Brandon Tuma, Lawrence Braverman, Alice Bruno Schmeelk, Barbara Burfeind-Davis, Charles Dann, MEd '64, Capt. Robert Everson, Doreen Finger Cohen, Michael Hauser, Joel Jayson, ME '62, Raymond Kruczek, Robert Levy, Peter Mitchell, ME '63, Carolyn Mulliner Horton, Ellen Mutterperl Johnson-Fay, John Petry, William Riley, Daniel Robinhold, Edward Sachtleben, William Schmeelk, Betty Schultz Goldberg, Richard Seiferheld, Jeffrey Strauss, Daniel Tomkins, Roger Williams, and Douglas Young, MBA '63.
The class forum "Then and Now" at the Statler Auditorium on Friday morning was well received and coincided with one of the few incursions of rain during the weekend. Led by Jack Neafsey, MBA '63, the program included Chuck Lee, Margaret Farrell, Robert Herdt, MS '63, Lt. Gen. James Brabham, David Klein, and Suzanne Oparil. At the conclusion, the advances against traditional benchmarks of the preceding 50 years were both impressive and overwhelming.
Saturday was a whirlwind of fun activities featuring the class picnic (still no rain) and entertainment by the Cayuga's Waiters. The picnic is a great meet-and-greet event, bumping into names and faces that needed a reminder. Our class dinner was a highlight event featuring a dialogue between our trustee Peter Meinig and President David Skorton. In a lively and candid format, they discussed many of the issues confronting a world-class university engaged in the challenges of the 21st century. Of significance, Pete is stepping down after ten years in his position, leaving a fine record of accomplishment and achievement for Cornell. Finally, Cornelliana Night was an overflow success with an online simulcast for those with Web access who were unable to attend. The two Class of '31 attendees made the national news and the program was the right mix of nostalgia and entertainment. A fine ending to a fine reunion.
So, time to wrap up this Reunion column. Let me acknowledge Joanna McCully, who, despite some physical difficulties, was able to attend the full weekend and enjoy the festivities. I wish to thank Joanna publicly for sharing the class correspondent duties with me the past five years. Now, with another five years of class columns waiting to be written, Susan Williams Stevens has volunteered to share the responsibility going forward. As always, we need your continued support and input to make the column a success. Send us an e-mail @ Doug Fuss, dougout@attglobal.net; or Susan Williams Stevens, sastevens61@gmail.com.